26/4– 24/5 2008

Københavns byrum undergår i disse år store forandringer. Havnefront, Ørestad, byfornyelse og kvarterløft er nøgleord i den offentlige debat — men hvor er kunsten blevet af? Projekterne, der skal ses som idéoplæg, har fokus på hovedstadens offentlige rum, hvor det skulpturelle element kan finde god plads og anvendelse.

In these years, Copenhagen’s urban spaces are undergoing major changes. Ørestad, urban renewal and neighborhood lift programs are key words in the public debate — but what’s happened to the art? The exhibited projects, which have to be regarded as draft proposals, have their focus on the capital city’s public spaces, where the sculptural element can find plenty of room and application. 

8/3 – 13/4 2008

Udstillingen kaster lys over dansk processuel skulptur fra 1960’erne til i dag. Samtidsskulpturens procesfokus sættes dermed i et større perspektiv og giver plads til refleksion over flere billedhugger- generationers praksisform.

The exhibition sheds light on Danish processual sculpture as it has evolved from the 1960s up until today. Contemporary sculpture’s processual focus is, in this way, being set into a wider perspective; this provides room for reflection on several sculptor-generations’ form of praxis. 

17/11 2007 – 12/1 2008

SKULPTURI er det første udstillingssted i Danmark udelukkende dedikeret til samtidsskulpturen. SKULPTURI’s målsætning er at vise den bredde og rigdom, der gør sig gældende indenfor skulpturarbejdet i dag både i Danmark og internationalt. Åbningsudstillingen er en hyldest til skulpturen i alle dens forskellige udtryksformer, til en genre i vedvarende udvikling og med en fortsat vedkommende indfaldsvinkel til verden. 

SKULPTURI is the first exhibition place in Denmark that is exclusively dedicated to contemporary. SKULPTURI’s objective is to show the breadth and richness that manifest themselves within sculptural work today — both in Denmark and internationally. The opening exhibition is a tribute to sculpture in all of its various forms of expression, to a genre in ongoing development and with a continually relevant approach to the world.