13/4 - 26/5 2013

Udstillingen vises i et næsten hermetisk lukket udstillingsrum i et hus tegnet af Henning Larsens Tegnestue. Et hus hvor kun et ovenlysvindue afslører, at naturen breder sig i alle retninger lige udenfor. Opfordringen til kunstnerne har været at arbejde med en skulptur, der forholder sig til gulvfladen og højst rager én meter op, dels for at skabe et panorama.

The exhibition is being shown in what is an almost hermetically sealed exhibition space inside a building designed by Henning Larsen Architects, a building where only a skylight offers any clue that nature is proliferating in every which way outside.The invitation to the artists has involved a call to work with a sculpture that relates to the floor and does not stand more than one meter in height for the purpose of creating a panorama.