27/6 – 25/7 2009

Udstillingen er til minde om Ib Braase, der døde 85 år gammel i 2009. Den præsenterer et udvalg af kunstnerens værker, hvoraf mange ikke har været vist siden 1970’erne. Braase er en enestående figur i dansk kunstliv og en vigtig forudsætning for og indgang til samtidsskulpturen. Udstillingens titel er hentet fra et interview med Braase, hvori han siger følgende om sin praksis: "Jeg søger mere og mere at indkredse skulpturen som et sted. Ikke som en statue, men som et sted. Et sted man åndeligt kan være i." 

The exhibition has been set up in memory of Ib Braase, who died at the age of 85 in 2009. It presents a selection of the artist’s works, many of which have not been shown since the 1970s. Braase has no parallel in Danish art life; he was a vitally important preliminary figure that pointed the way for other sculptors’ courses into contemporary sculpture. The exhibition’s title was taken from an interview with Braase,where in the artist had this to say about his practice: “I am trying more and more to isolate sculpture as a place. Not as a statue but as a place. A place that you, spiritually, can be inside of.”

8/3 – 13/4 2008

Udstillingen kaster lys over dansk processuel skulptur fra 1960’erne til i dag. Samtidsskulpturens procesfokus sættes dermed i et større perspektiv og giver plads til refleksion over flere billedhugger- generationers praksisform.

The exhibition sheds light on Danish processual sculpture as it has evolved from the 1960s up until today. Contemporary sculpture’s processual focus is, in this way, being set into a wider perspective; this provides room for reflection on several sculptor-generations’ form of praxis.